2012-08-23 - New Pimmit Hills Loop


~3 miles @ ~10.5 min/mi

At 6:30am at the MITRE Corporation loading dock we gather for an informal group run: Ed Brown, in his 70's, has been inviting me to join him and his colleagues for months now, as has Kristin H. Finally the planets come into alignment and I accept, with a major project completed earlier this week. Ed and Kristin's boss Kerry Buckley joins us, as does young triathlete David Foster. He leads us on a zig-zag course through the Pimmit Hills neighborhood. Parts of it are familiar to me from last year's solo jogs, but as the Garmin GPS trackfile shows we also meander through a couple of local parks. Ed claims to be slower than the rest of the gang but he keeps up with the overall pace, dropping back and catching up as we pause at some road crossings. David turns out to have attended and taught at the University of Maryland in College Park MD, so we compare notes on various bikepaths and trails in that neighborhood.

^z - 2012-09-10